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What to Expect

The Service
This service is held in the sanctuary at 10:45 a.m. It is a blended service featuring hymns, contemporary songs, choir anthems, bell choir anthems, and special music. This semi-liturgical service includes a call to worship, corporate prayers, creeds, choral responses (doxology and Gloria Parti), children's moments, and scripture readings.

Holy Communion
Communion is shared in worship on the first Sunday of each month. It is open to all who wish to participate.

Uniting in Membership
Everyone is welcome to join us for study, fellowship, and worship, but we encourage those who desire to make Sapulpa Methodist their church home to unite with us in membership. As the name implies, Professing Membership is based on one acknowledging their faith in Jesus Christ. If you are uncertain about your personal relationship with Christ, our Pastor would gladly assist you in your journey toward knowing Him. Those who have professed their faith in other denominations can be received by "transfer of membership." If you would like to join us, please call the church office and schedule a visit with our Pastor.